I. Call for Abstracts

2018 Spring Primary Care Conference

Thank you for considering a presentation with us!

Northwest Regional Primary Care Association invites you to submit an abstract for consideration to present at the 2018 Spring Primary Care Conference.

General Information: The 2018 Spring Primary Care Conference, to be held in Portland, OR, May 19 -22, 2018 provides education and training, information and resource sharing, coalition building, and program and policy development for like-minded community health professionals and their partners.

Submission Deadline: Friday, December 29, 2017.

Abstract Notification: Notifications of selected abstracts will be sent, via email, in early February. If multiple presenters are listed, only the individual submitting the abstract (the primary presenter) will be notified.

Abstract Selection: Abstracts are peer-reviewed on the basis of quality and clarity of the content, subject relevance, and strength of learning objectives. NWRPCA prioritizes presentations that are interactive and participatory. Abstracts should explain specific activities, methods or techniques that will be used to encourage participation in the session as well as any take home messages and/or tools that will be made available to participants.

Conference Content Categories: Abstracts should examine current programs, practices, and/or policies related to Community Health Centers and Primary Care.:

  1. Behavioral Health
  2. Community Health Improvement
  3. Emergency Preparedness
  4. Fiscal
  5. Governance
  6. HR/Workforce
  7. Integrated Services
  8. Keynote
  9. Operations
  10. Policy
  11. Quality Transformation

II. Submission Process

  1. Step 1: Setup Session

    The following items are required.
    • Workshop Title
    • Submitter Full Name and Email
    • Preferred Duration: 90 Minute Breakout Session or 3 hour Intensive Session
    • Preferred Language for Presentation: English or Spanish
      Please note that simultaneous interpretation services will not be available in all breakout sessions.
    • Conference Content Categories
    • Comments
      Explanation for duration or language preference selected, if needed. Can you make your presentation longer or shorter? Are you able to present in English or Spanish?)
  2. Step 2: Session Abstract

    Session Abstract Guidelines:

    Abstracts are peer-reviewed and will be evaluated based on quality and clarity of the content, subject relevance, and strength of the learning objectives.

    NWRPCA prioritizes presentations that are interactive and participatory. Abstracts should explain specific activities, methods or techniques that will be used to encourage participation in the session as well as any take home messages and/or tools that will be made available to participants.

    Abstracts pertaining to the CHW workforce should describe within the text of the abstract whether CHWs will be presenting and/or the role CHWs played in the development of the abstract and presentation.
  3. Step 3: Learning Objectives

    Please enter one Learning Objective per box. Learning objectives should be clearly stated, measurable, and attainable. Below are examples of acceptable learning objectives:
    1. Assess the health care needs of farmworkers.
    2. Identify barriers to health care experienced by farmworkers.
    3. List three best practices for providing health care to farmworkers.
  4. Step 4: Session Description

    The Session Description should be a short summary of the Session Abstract. It will be used for inclusion in the conference program and related marketing materials if the abstract is selected.
  5. Step 5: Presenters

    One primary presenter is required.
    • Search for a presenter you would like to add by using email address or last name to find the names of presenters in the database.
    • If the person you are looking for is not found, select 'Not Found' from the search results, and enter the presenter's information.
  6. Step 6: Resume

    All presenters are required to upload a resume.
  7. Step 7: Confirmation

    • Review your submission on this page.
    • If you are satisfied, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the 'Conclude Submission' button.
    • If you would like to edit something, click the step you would like to edit on the left-hand menu on your screen. Please note that you are able to go back and edit your submission until the submission deadline.